00:00 Right now, our server is just giving us a 404 not found because our server doesn't really actually do all that much, and it's your job to update our server to handle requests, and the basic request should send or should respond with this index HTML.
00:16 The index HTML is importing our UI index JS, and that is in turn importing all of these other modules. Some of those modules are importing React and React DOM, and so you need to update the import map in our index HTML to resolve those properly on
00:37 So there are a couple of things you need to do in here. You also have the database directory that has some database stuff for handling our ships and things. You'll never need to worry about going into the database stuff. Your work will mostly be happening in server and UI. You'll do a little bit in the index HTML for your import maps, and then a little bit in the package JSON as well.
00:57 Actually, our dev script, you'll be making updates to over the course of the workshop. But for this first part, all that you need to work in is the import map in index HTML, and then on the server side, adding some static handlers. So we send the index HTML,
01:13 and we handle sending the UI files so that the browser can get those modules, as well as handling requests to the public directory for all of these public assets. When you're done, the UI should look a lot more complete because it actually is a finished single page application.
01:33 And so we're gonna be migrating the single page application over to a full RSC framework. And so when you're all finished, it should look something like this. You'll notice it'll do full page refreshes as you're navigating around. And as you submit forms and things like that,
01:53 the URL should get updated for all of that too. But the application should work. As far as that is concerned, the only reason we're doing full page refreshes right now is because we've got no client side router. And we're gonna be getting there. So this is the simple application that you're gonna be getting to by the time you finish with this exercise.
02:12 So let's get started.