Current section: Managing UI State 29 exercises


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00:00 So we have this cool little app here that's going to allow us to search through these blog posts and in the future We'll even be able to check on these check boxes, and it will autofill the search But right now nothing is happening when I'm typing in here. That's because we're not managing state yet. We need to

00:17 Synchronize the UI with whatever the search is currently and so that is your objective in this first part of the exercise One other thing that I'll mention before I send you off into this is that this entire UI was already built for you if You're looking for more practice on Working with react elements and generating UI

00:37 With react components and things then I would issue a challenge before you get started on this go into the The index TSX file here delete everything and try to build this from scratch That could be an interesting exercise for you personally if you want a little bit more practice In building out you eyes as you're just getting started on your react journey

00:58 Once you're all ready to go then you're going to be using you state to manage the state of this search query You'll want to make sure that you keep it up to date as the user is typing so you're going to have an on change event on that input and Yeah, then we'll right now. We're just worrying about the search itself

01:18 The emoji will be in there to kind of guide you where you're supposed to go and make changes and things So have a good time, and we'll see you when you're done