00:00 So, as does happen sometimes, the users finally got to use the feature where they heart something and it shoots up to the top and they thought, whoa, that's a little bit, a little bit much. I don't like it. So Kelly, our coworker, fixed it. So now it's no longer sorting based on the favorite state.
00:18 But one thing Kelly didn't do is change the way that the state is being managed. So it's still an array of favorites from the matching post and we should co-locate that, right? So it would be a good idea to just get that pushed down to the bottom. So that is your job.
00:36 We're going to pretty much just rewind everything that we did before so that we can have a simpler final result of our code. So your job, we've already removed the sorting functionality, but your job is to push the state down, co-locate the state so that it is managed where it needs to be managed. Good luck.