Current section: TypeScript 59 exercises

Dad Joke Break TypeScript

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00:00 Who's the coolest doctor in the hospital? The hip doctor, ha ha ha. Alright, there you go, this is a good time to take a break, get yourself a drink of water, whatever else you need to do to recharge your mental batteries so that you can continue to learn this stuff, because it's a lot that you're doing, like your hands on the keyboard,

00:19 you're like thinking things, you open up tabs, reference stuff, you're doing a lot of learning, and it's important for you to take what you've learned, write it down so that it stays there, it's interesting, you write it down, you may never look at the thing you wrote down again, but the act of writing it down, whether, actually I think it's better

00:38 if you write it by hand, but just the act of writing it down will make it stick in your brain better, and so yeah, write down the stuff that you learned, and then go off and take a break, get your blood flowing again, and then come back. Okay, we'll see you soon.