Current section: Composition 30 exercises

Composition and Layout Components

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00:00 We've got a simple UI here. It allows you to change the different sport that you have selected and displaying information about. Pretty interesting and fun. And right now there's a lot of prop drilling going on. I'm going to say that if the way that it's built right now is actually totally fine, and I wouldn't actually have any problem with it,

00:19 but for the purposes of the exercise, we're going to take it to the max. We're gonna compose as much as possible just to give you an idea of what's possible and just kind of maybe open your mind a little bit on the levels of composition that you can provide

00:35 to your React UIs. And so that is your objective in this is to just maximize the level of composition. Everything's going up to the app. Not something that you would typically do in an application, but we'll give you a little bit of exposure to the idea. I think that you'll have a good time. We'll see you when you're done.