00:00 Kelly put together a really cool tool tip for these favorites. So people now know what this is all about Except that what the devil what? Yeah, we got a problem here so tool tips are one of those things that typically need to be rendered to the body so that they can be positioned absolutely where they're supposed to go and
00:19 We are not doing that right now. And so that's why we're getting this funny experience. In fact We just disabled the overflow hidden which is what we typically want for our tool tip Or for our card Because without it you won't be able to see What's happening to the tooltip in lots of these cases you see just a little bit right there
00:39 So make sure you re-enable this once you've reproduced the issue or you notice the issue So that our cards are doing what they're supposed to But your job is just to make it not Render here and instead render it in the body with a portal and not a lot of lines of code change here But important learnings nonetheless, so have fun